Chakka puttu

Chakka puttu 


Jackfruit 10 to 15 pieces(chula)
Rice flour 2 cup
Coconut 1/2 grated
Water as rqd
Salt as rqd

How To Make:

Chop the jackfruit into small pieces. Mix together required amount of water and salt. Sprinkle this salt water slowly over the rice flour and mix well. Continue this process till the flour becomes wet and smooth. Do not use too much water. (The perfect stage to stop the process is to take a handful of wet flour in the hand, just press it and open the fist. If the flour remain as a solid chunk without breaking or splitting apart, you can stop the process.) Add little grated coconut into the prepared flour and mix well. (To make soft puttu, just grind the wet flour in a mixer.)

For preparing puttu, put a layer of grated coconut into the puttu kutti (puttu maker) followed by the chopped jackfrut pieces and rice flour and then again a layer of jackfruit and finally a layer of grated coconut. Steam it fo 5 to 8 minutes until the steam passes from the top of the puttu kutti. Serve it hot.
