Different color erachi puthu
½ kg of minced beef (cook with salt & Turmeric powder and mince in food processor)
2 cups of puttu podi [1 cup rice flour & 1 cup corn flour puttu podi (I usually use eastern puttu podi)].
Onion: 1 medium, chopped
Ginger: 1 inch piece, grated.
Garlic: 3 or 4 cloves, grated.
Tomato: 1, chopped.
Green chillies: 2 or 3 chopped.
Chilly powder: 1 tsp.
Garam masala powder: 1 tsp.
Pepper powder: 1/2 tsp.
Turmeric powder: 1 tsp.
Curry leaves.
Coconut oil: About a tablespoon.
Make puttu podi and keep aside.
Put the onion, ginger, garlic, green chilly in a food processor.....or you can chop them with a knife.
Heat a pan with 1 tbsp of coconut oil and add the chopped mix....saute for 3 to 4 min or until it starts to turn color. For the rest of the cooking simmer the fire.
Add the chili powder, turmeric, pepper, and garam masala, stir for a min or two or until the raw flavor vanishes.
Add the chopped curry leaves....allow to get all mixed in....for about 3 min.
Ya that's just right, we are not using much oil....so no need to saute till oil comes on top....
Put in the cooked minced beef or chicken or mutton.
Stir it and allow it to soak up all the masala....say for another 3 min or so.
Switch off the fire and mix them up....this is the masala which we use instead of the freshly grated coconut that we normally use to layer the puttu podi.
Fill the puttu kutti alternating with this masala and the puttu podi. Here I have used aluminum puttu maker which resembles a coconut shell.
Now erachi puttu is ready u can have without any curry or with any curry. But it taste without curry.
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